Shoreline meets once a month on the last Monday
at the Irvine Water District in the community meeting room at 7:30 pm.
Disclaimer: "Irvine Ranch Water District neither supports or endorse the cause nor activities of organizations
that use the district's meeting rooms that are made available as a public service"
President: Kathy Webster
Vice President: Shannon Miller
Recording Secretary: April Mcdonald
Treasurer: Peggy Butler
Corresponding Secretary: Peggy McDill
Membership: Sandy Phillips
Board of Directors:
Delegate to AKC:
Carol Basler
Richard Basler
Melody Michel
Pat Weymouth
Tina Dougan
John Sidney
Show Committee:
Show Chairman: Peggy McDill
24922 Las Marias Ln, Mission Viejo CA 92691-5119
(949)380-0885 Cell: (949)584-2338
Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange County 2011