About The Sport

The Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange County promotes responsible dog ownership and participation in a variety of dog sports and activities.


Most competitive events held under AKC rules are dog shows, where the accent is on conformation. After being examined by a judge, dogs are placed according to how well (in the judge's opinion) they measure up to their breed standard.


Obedience training is the foundation upon which all canine activities are based, whether conformation, agility, tracking, search & rescue, service dogs, fieldwork, etc.

AKC Obedience Trials were developed to foster training, as well as, to demonstrate dogs' willingness, capabilities and enjoyment of working with and very closely with humans.


AKC tracking events are the competition form of canine search and rescue. These Tracking events provide training for dogs and their handlers to meet some human needs for tracking and finding lost humans or other animals, as well as, demonstrating the extremely high level of scent capability that dogs possess.

We've all seen movies with dogs following the trail of an escapee through swamps. The AKC's Tracking Tests allow dogs to demonstrate their natural ability to recognize and follow human scent. This vigorous outdoor activity is great for canine athletes. Unlike Agility and Obedience events that require a dog to qualify three times, a dog only needs to complete one track successfully to earn each title.


The exciting sport of Agility has taken the world by storm. The Agility ring allows handler and dog to run full speed, while having to perform accurately and safely on A-Frames, Dog Walks, See-Saws and a wide variety of jumps and tunnels.

Hunting & Field Trials

Hunting Tests evaluate a dog's hunting abilities on different elements of pointing, retrieving or flushing. The dog's ability to perform is judged against a standard of perfection established by the AKC Regulations; theoretically, every dog can be a winner!


The purpose of non-competitive tests is to offer an opportunity to dogs, without extensive training, to be evaluated in a pass/fail environment. These are standardized gauges to measure a dogs' herding instinct and trainability upon exposure to livestock
Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange County 2011